Faults & Fixes

Perfect Golf Swing Sequence: Get It Right And Cure Your Slice

Upwards to 85% of golfers slice the ball.  Occasionally the same players will hit a massive pull. That's because it is caused by the exact same swing path error. Most players who slice the ball think they do something completely different when they pull the ball. Typically only one little thing has changed and that's the club face. 

Fix Your Golf Swing: Remember 1 Powerful Swing Thought

You're closer than you think to owning your own golf swing and being able to fix your golf swing. There's no doubt about it. Golf can be one of the most frustrating hobbies known to man. One day you're high fiving your buddies for placing a beautiful shot in the middle of the fairway, and the next you're in the woods thanks to an uncontrollable slice. 

Flying Right Elbow: Fix Fast And Hit The Ball Longer & Straighter

Do you struggle to hit straight shots off the tee and right through to the green? Do most of your shots go straight left or have a huge left to right bend that end up in the water, bunker or even out of bounds? Do you hit topped shots or hit the golf ball fat and see it barely make the ladies tee blocks? If this sounds like you, then there’s a good chance you suffer from a flying right elbow which is severely damaging your golf scores.

Over The Top Golf Swing: Eliminate Your Slice In 60 Seconds

Does your ball flight start left and stay left or bend around sharply from left to right like a big banana slice? Maybe your shots come off fat or thin and travel only half way to your intended target? If this sounds like you then there’s a good chance your golf swing is coming over the top directly causing the above problems. You’re in good company, as the over the top golf swing is probably the most common of all golfing mistakes made by beginner and amateur golfers.

Solid Golf Shots: Gain 20+ Yards And Hit Them Consistently

Do you regularly hit your golf shots right off the toe that go nowhere with very little power? Maybe you hit the ground first first and the ball comes off fat and barely makes it half way to your intended target? If this sounds like you then you’re probably making one simple mistake that’s robbing you are timing, power and consistency you need to become a better golfer. The good news this can easily be fixed just by understanding what you are doing wrong and applying a simple drill.

Head Position in the Golf Swing: Get it right With 1 Simple Drill

Do you feel like your head is out of position at address and during the golf swing? Does your head feel awkward or even out of sync with the rest of your golf swing? Maybe you’re not even sure where your head should be facing besides at the golf ball during the swing? You’re not alone, as the head position in the golf swing is still often misunderstood by the majority ofgolfers. Fortunately, with just a minor adjustment you can learn the correct position and enjoy the benefits it will bring to your golf game.

Wrist Hinge In The Golf Swing: 7 Steps To Getting It Right

Are you having trouble getting the club on plane and making solid contact with the golf ball? Does your golf swing feel as though it doesn’t travel smoothly from start to finish? Are you attempting to make a long smooth one piece takeaway like you’ve been taught ever since you picked up a golf club? If you answered yes to any of these then there’s a good chance you have not hinged your wrists correctly on the backswing. The good news is you’re not alone as incorrect hinging of the wrists is one of the most common problems among golfers worldwide.

Correcting a Golf Slice - 2 Secrets to Fix it Fast & Hit a Draw

Do you suffer from a big banana slice that curves way off line? If this sounds like you then there’s a good chance you’re struggling with your game and having trouble correcting a golf slice. Perhaps even at the point of giving it up for good! I’ve been there before, it’s incredibly frustrating watching ball after ball go flying out to the right into trouble. 

Stop Pulling Golf Shots: Hit Them Straighter With 3 Simple Fixes

Do you pull, tug, drag or yank the golf ball left of the target? If the answer is yes then I’m assuming you are very familiar with pulling golf shots. More often than not your golf ball lands in a really bad position on the golf course. The golf ball starts left and stays there and ends up in a bunker, water or even out of bounds. I bet you’re even making good contact with the golf ball and don’t understand why the golf ball keeps going left? The good news is there are many great drills and fixes to stop pulling golf shots. You can try them out in just seconds and get instant results.

Chicken Wing In Golf: 2 Proven Drills That Fix It Instantly

Do you often make poor contact with the golf ball and feel unbalanced after the follow through? Maybe you hit a lot of shots off the toe and the ball flies straight out to the right into trouble? If this sounds like you there’s a good chance you suffer from the dreaded golf chicken wing. The chicken wing in golf destroys a golfer’s ability to execute a solid golf swing by reducing power and accuracy. The good news is the chicken wing in golf is very easy to fix

4 Reasons Why You Are Not Playing Better Golf & How To Today

If you haven’t seen any improvement in your golf scores for a while, then there’s a good chance you’re doing something wrong. It's such an obvious thing to say but quite often the most obvious that holds your golf game back. Let me guess, you’re practicing hard at the golf driving range but still not playing better golf. You go there 3 times a week and hit ball after ball and feel like you’ve finally found a breakthrough. Next, you turn up to your weekly Saturday morning competition all psyched up for a great game.

How to Fix Your Golf Slice in 2 Minutes Without Any Lessons

If you have every played a round of golf and watched every shot curve from left to right (right hander) then you are very familiar with the golf slice. You've probably even tried dozens of ways of how to fix your golf slice! The slice is and will continue to be the number one problem plaguing golfers around the world. Unless allowed for in your set up the slice puts golfers into an endless stream of difficult positions on the golf course. You slice the golf ball because of a certain amount of side spin put on the ball at the point of impact.

Golf Toe Shots: How To Fix Them Fast And Hit Solid Irons

If you’re not making solid contact with most of your golf irons there’s a good chance you’re struggling with your game. Next to putting your irons make up a large portion of your overall score. Most golfers who don’t hit the centre of the club face miss it closer to the toe. These are usually weak shots without much power and invariably end up short of the target and in trouble. 

Stop Slicing The Driver: How To Start Hitting More Fairways

If you have never experienced a golf slice with your driver then there’s a very good chance you’ve never played the game of golf. It’s still the number one problem in golf and something I see every weekend on the golf course. It happens so easily with the driver because of the flatter lie angle of the clubhead (usually 8 – 11 degrees) which makes the margin for error very high. The good news is you can learn how to stop slicing the driver very easily with a few simple changes to your set up and golf swing. 

Topping The Golf Ball: 3 Ways To Start Hitting It Solid Today

Do you regularly hit topped golf shots that trickle off the tee block and barely make it onto the fairway? If this sounds like you then you've probably been searching for ways how to stop topping the golf ball. Most beginner golfers at some point struggle with topping the golf ball. This shot is probably the worst in golf as it usually has no power or distance and results in a poorly played hole. The golf ball misses the sweet spot entirely and leaves you with a very empty, frustrated feeling.

Get Rid Of Your Golf Slice: Fix It Fast With 1 Simple Drill

Do a lot of your golf shots start left and curve around to the right and end up in trouble? Do you feel like you lose a stack of distance with your wicked banana slice? The golf slice is still the number one problem for golfers worldwide which is why so many golfers want to get rid of their golf slice. It has ruined many a golfers day out on the course. The slice occurs when a golfer imparts (right hander) left to right side spin on the golf ball during the point of impact.